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Everyday Angels Update & Reader Request by Charity Virkler Kayembe

Charity Kayembe's picture

In March I had the privilege of ministering at Global Awakening, Randy Clark’s school of ministry, with students both on campus and also online. I shared on dreams as well as the angelic realm and we had a wonderful time experiencing the Lord of Hosts and His heavenly hosts.

Now I’m excited to let you know we have another live event later this month. We’ll be doing an Everyday Angels workshop near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania so if you are in the area, we’d love to have you join us! The event is being hosted by Christ Community Church in Camp Hill (right outside of Harrisburg). You can find all the details and a link to register online here.


Meeting Angels at Home

If you can’t join us in person, you are welcome to join us online. Everyday Angels e-learning module is available through CLU School of the Spirit and I just received an awesome testimony from Maru Alvarez, one of our online students there.

You’ll notice that she first met an angel in her dream, and we remember that this is often how it is recorded in Scripture too. Jacob saw angels descending from Heaven to earth in his dream (Gen. 28:10-12), and another time received a lucrative business strategy from an angel while he slept (Gen. 31:10-12). In the New Testament, Joseph repeatedly received instructions from an angel through his dreams too (Matt. 1:20-25; 2:13-21).

It’s so exciting when Scripture comes alive and we get to actually live the sacred supernatural experiences that we read about in the Bible! Be encouraged by Maru’s beautiful example:

“I wanted to give you a testimony of my first Everyday Angels class... What happened was that I lay down on the sofa and immediately had a dream. I saw how a person was next to me on the sofa, and he made me laugh so much. He laughed and made me laugh a lot, in fact I woke up laughing! I had asked the Lord that I wanted to see angels with my spiritual eyes and I think that was an angel sent to me, an angel of JOY. It was so beautiful what I felt when I woke up.

Then, when I went to the airport last Saturday to go to the Bethel Convention, I had already heard the Everyday Angels class once, and I saw above the clouds like people floating over the city, how angels fly, but there were many. It was for a second that I perceived that, I saw it in my spirit and it was so easy, just as you said exactly, Charity. Wow!

You know, I fell asleep again on the sofa this afternoon and before I fell asleep I told God, I love you Dad, I love you Jesus, I love you Holy Spirit. Then at one point I felt that someone stood next to me and grabbed my hand with so much love, giving me encouragement. Then when I woke up I asked my son if it was him because I thought it was him and he said it wasn’t… Wow, so it looks like angels again! I'm so happy!

You took our lives to another level and we are infinitely grateful to God for your ministry. I am filled with joy for having the blessing of seeing my angels every day. Thank you very much for bringing into our lives more of our beloved Lord and His collaborators the angels and filling our lives with your experience! It is so wonderful to be able to receive this.”


Training Our Spiritual Senses

Hallelujah! God desires that we see in the spirit both while we are awake, as well as through our dreams. This is how we were created to live. Maru set her affection and intention on God as she was drifting off to sleep, effectively positioning her heart to connect with the company of Heaven while she slept (Song of Songs 5:2).

Now she is not only hearing angels (the contagious laughter) and seeing them (in the sky), she is also feeling them (the hand of protection). Hebrews 5:14 confirms that as she continues to practice engaging the supernatural, her spiritual senses are becoming more discerning and sensitive to the angelic activity that has always been surrounding her (Ps. 34:7).

Psalm 91 is a powerful passage about our heavenly protection and reveals another aspect of God’s design for angels and what they are up to in our lives. Just as Maru held the strong hand of her guardian angel, this Scripture speaks to how angels support us with their hands.

He will give His angels charge concerning you, to guard you in all your ways. They will bear you up in their hands, that you do not strike your foot against a stone. (Ps. 91:11-12)

What an incredible promise! A natural picture to help us understand this blessing even more in our everyday lives would be the analogy of babysitting my niece. We have a stream near our house so imagine we went for a walk along the edge of it together, hand in hand. She’s in my charge. I am responsible for her, and it is my job to protect her.

As we walk along the stream, side by side, she begins to stumble towards the water and “strike her foot against a stone.” Well, I can help prevent that. Because her hand is in mine, I can easily pull her up and protect her. She doesn’t fall because she’s close to me. We are walking together.

And so it is with our guardian angels. They are close to us, walking together with us, and they are able to keep us from falling. Daniel 4:13 says that angels are holy watchers. They watch out for us! We are in their charge so it is their responsibility to protect us. And as we purpose to live in step with them, we make their job that much easier. 

A Favor to Ask of My Readers

Finally, if you have already experienced this message, and Everyday Angels has been a blessing to you, I want to invite you to please leave a review on Amazon. As you may know, is the “world’s largest bookstore” and an important way to reach new readers who are hungry to learn more about God’s truth on angels. While most of the reviews are encouraging, I recently noticed there was this:

Disciple of Jesus (1.0 out of 5 stars): Beware! Psychosis ahead.
Terrible and encourages schizophrenia. “Talking to imaginary beings”? Seriously. My recommendation, gird your loins against this lunacy.

YIKES. I guess he’s never read Zechariah, Daniel or Revelation! But with words like that, I just hate to have potential readers dissuaded from checking out the book and missing out on partnering with the company of Heaven because of fear. So if you believe angels are real (and not imaginary beings) and you’ve found my teaching to be biblically grounded (and not psychotic), I would be so appreciative of you sharing your testimony in a positive review.

Here is a link to review Everyday Angels on Thank you so much for your support!

I look forward to connecting with you soon – either in our Everyday Angels forum online or at our upcoming workshop in Pennsylvania.

Thank you again and every blessing to you!

Related Resources: 

How to Engage Angels in Everyday Life   

Related Blogs: 

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