Current Special: 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice Free Video Event and up to 50% off!

Get OFF the Fence!

Mark Virkler's picture

Introduction: Would you agree that it's time for pastors and the Church to do what our founding fathers did and fight for religious freedom and liberty? I think we all agree that America is in a crisis moment. The Covid “pandemic” (as it is being called) is being used by some to undermine our liberties. If that's not enough, half the nation believes the election was stolen. Big tech, mainstream news, government, and education have teamed up to push a one-sided narrative and are working hard to keep other voices from being heard. Christian voices are being silenced by being removed from Facebook, YouTube, and other media outlets. So how can I respond? With FEAR? Wring my hands in defeat? Declare wickedness must advance before the coming of the Lord? NO, I don’t think so.

Get educated as to how to participate in the current reformation 

This blog provides links that will educate, equip, and motivate you to receive your specific assignment from God. You will move from fear to faith as you learn how to team up effectively with others to restore truth and righteousness to our nation. Each of us has a God-given unique assignment.

In this program by Flashpoint you see a video clip of Artur Pawloski, a Canadian pastor, who stood up to the police as they entered his church on Good Friday to intimidate his parishioners. Artur states that 1 billion people around the world have watched this video clip, finding inspiration to stand up to corrupt authorities. As you hear Pastor Pawloski share his story of the communist takeover in Poland, the land of his birth, and how the Church unified and stood up against the communists and threw off the yoke of slavery, you will realize that we, the Church in America (and other nations), can, and need, to do the same thing. 

Conservative Directory (Save and distribute widely)

Discover YOUR role, get trained and anointed, and join the reformation!

Take 20-80 hours and go through the links below until you have enough information and motivation to GET off the fence, get INVOLVED, and bring revival and reformation to your nation! We need every person and every pastor to take their position in defending and restoring godliness to their nation. 

Where do I find this amount of time? I recommend we switch from watching the news and TV and explore all links. You will be filled with faith, hope, love, and truth and cleansed from the fear and lies which are being fed to us daily.

Watch this life-changing Health and Freedom Conference

My wife and I joined 3 million by Zoom on April 16, 17, 2021, to watch the Health and Freedom Conference from Tulsa, OK. It was hosted at Rhema Bible Church which seats 4000 and was packed to capacity.

Speakers include Gen. Flynn, Sidney Powell, Mike Lindell, Lin Wood, Dr. Simone, Mike Adams, and Floyd Brown. The conference was extremely educational, inspirational, and high energy. IT CHANGED ME! 

  • A free video series of this entire two-day conference is available here.  
  • A condensed 20-minute segment of each speaker is being created and archived at Rumble (type in “thrivetimeshow”).

The conference coordinator, Clay Clark, does a pre-conference interview here, and he offers you a free downloadable book titled, Fear Unmasked - Discovering the Truth of the Coronavirus Shutdown (banned by Google), and if you would prefer to hear him speak about unmasking fear, listen to his high energy, fabulous broadcast.

A history of pastors involved in the American Revolution 

  1. Time for Clergy to Stand! An open letter to all clergy
  2. The revolutionary pastor - You can join a similar, modern-day Black Robe Regiment
  3. Jonas Clark, another Black Robe revolutionary pastor
  4. History of Clergy in Congress

First They Came for the Jews

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

By Martin Niemoller - A German Protestant Pastor, 1892-1984

Intercession IS the foundation 

  1. A vision of how a community can be transformed by prayer
  2. Intercessors for America – They email you current issues which need prayer
  3. Spirit-Led intercession – by Mark Virkler
  4. – Prayer for each city 
  5. Destiny Builders – Downloadable prayer guides

Conservative Resources

  1. Conservative media outlets include - One American News OutletSky NewsThe Gateway PunditSteel TruthTrunewsThe Christian Post, to name a few. Amid conflicting news reports, pray for revelation (and use common sense) to discern where God asks you to stand. Make sure you spend MORE time hearing God's voice and receiving God's anointing than you do with ANY news media outlet!
  2. Facebook and YouTube alternatives BitChuteBrightenRumbleFrank Speech
  3. Support those who are standing up for truth and being blackballed. Following is just one example. Mike Lindell has posted astounding videos proving election irregularities. "Absolute Proof" has been watched by over 150 million people. You should also watch “Scientific Proof” and “Absolute Interference.” Mike’s business, My Pillow, is being boycotted, so Mike has begun “My Store” to compete with Amazon. You can shop at My Store. Also, check out his Frank Speech platform which doesn't allow swearing or taking the Lord's name in vain (It received 200 million hits in the first 48 hours it was up). Mike is a recovered drug addict and provides a free drug recovery program.HELP! I WANT TO CONTACT MY LAWMAKER
  4. Congress Lookup Tool
  5. 1776 Forever Free - continuing patriot education
  6. Time to Free America – many excellent links
  7.  Advocates for Citizens’ Rights (AFCR) is a California non-profit corporation dedicated to protecting individuals’ civil liberties and privacy rights. Watch the video (April 15) on this site as an attorney tears into a California school board about the Covid abuse. 
  8. Fight Back Law - Attorney Linn Woods' legal organization to assist in the fight
  9. Conservative resource list - A listing of conservative resources, including health care providers and lawyers who will support you in the fight. These websites will give you one side of the argument. The “mainstream” news will give you the other side. 
  10. Legal Eagle Dream Team - Prepared legal downloads and lawyers to assist you
  11. Hollywood Exposed - The Movie Out of the Shadows Documentary” is available for free viewing. 100 million have watched this. It is an exposé on how Hollywood and the mainstream media manipulate multitudes by spreading propaganda throughout their content.

Increasing my knowledge about health and covid

  1. Mercola – here is his research on covid
  2. Jim Meehan MD’s Top 10 Reasons Why You Don’t Need a Mask…
  3. Get your free downloadable Vaccination exemption forms which you can complete for yourself and your child and present to an employer/school authority or county official to show them your legal right to refuse to be forced to receive the experimental vaccination (with no fear of reprisal). This group is Freedom of Religion - United Solutions. They are looking for pastors whom they can connect with who will team up to support the restoration of America. If you are a religious leader, please email your willingness to be involved to   [email protected]
  4. America's Frontline Doctors – a host of resources
  5. The COVID Vaccine - non-hospital solutions with 100% success
  6. Free downloadable book, Fear Unmasked by Clay Clark
  7. Face masks and Covid (Health damaging) National Institute of Health
  8. Discover health options: Type into search bars at links below, an affliction, disease, or condition
     Life ExtensionMercola, Dr Axe, GreenMedInfo, Dr. Schulze, CWGMinistries

Increasing my faith, anointing, and miracles

  1. I Saw a Tidal Wave of the Spirit Wash Across America - prophetic vision of the coming revival
  2. Walking in Power by T.L. Osborn, The Believers’ Mission Of Healing
  3. Miracles of Healing - 7 Step Model
  4. How to establish and maintain great faith
  5. Karin Hardin – a brave prophetic author writing about the current crisis

Increasing my knowledge about the Constitution and our Christian history

  1. Wallbuilders – The Christian history of America
  2. Constitution Alive! An amazing video series showing that the constitution LIMITS centralized power. Click here to view the first video free.

Receive training through summer school courses

  1. Patrick Henry College  
  2. Patriot Academy
  3. Student Statesmanship Institute

How to run for office

  1. American Majority Online classes
  2. Should I run for office? – Free online course
  3. The Statesmen Academy trains and equips elected leaders for effective public service to advance godly values in our states and nation.
  4. Family Research Council - For over 35 years, they have been committed to advancing faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. They have State Family Policy Councils.
  5. Convention of States Action – an opportunity for you to become involved.

My prayer journaling application

Journaling Question: Worship the Lord and then ask, "Lord, what would You have me do?" Record in your journal what He speaks. Receive His revelation, power, and boldness to act in the manner He has asked you to.


Examples of God-inspired action

Mark Virkler - God spoke to me years ago to be like Abraham. Be a spiritual leader, a financial leader, and a political leader. At the point in time He told me that, I didn't even know that a person could be all three, and I sure didn't have a vision that I could be all three. Because of that word from the Lord, I now aspire to be all three. Since I am at heart an educator, part of my ministry to you is to provide this article as a resource that will educate, inspire, and guide you as you team up and move forward in faith. 

Tim Madden - Read Tim's testimony of roaring like a lion and experiencing a miracle

Rev. Paul Rosbury - Was led by God to place a free Bible in the hand of every elected official in his district.

Step into your God-ordained position and roar!
Together we WILL overcome!

Dig Deeper 

Question: How do I get a person saved and introduced to the Holy Spirit? 
Answer: Explore Your Extraordinary Life 
WebsiteBooke-Learning Module

Question: How do I walk and live in the anointing of the Holy Spirit? 
Answer: Explore Overflow of the Spirit
Training Packagee-Learning Module

Question: How do I receive God’s revelation through dreams?
Answer: Explore Hearing God Through Your Dreams
Training Packagee-Learning Module


Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   

Related Blogs: 

How to Hear God’s Voice   
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Results 1 - 10 of 479


4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice

4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 305 Pages | Retail: $16.99

Until May 22nd Get At Least 25% Off:

Or 50% off the School of the Spirit e-learning module!

Have you ever wished you could just sit down and have a long talk with the Lord? Wouldn't it be wonderful to move beyond having a theology that states that God loves you to actually hearing Him whisper words of love into your heart? When you're worried or confused, wouldn't you love to see the situation from His perspective and hear how He wants you to respond?

Price: $14.95

Dialogue with God

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 296 Pages

This top seller for 30 years from Bridge Logos provides a narrative, right-brain presentation of the principles of how to hear God's voice. Especially enjoyable for personal use, it makes a great gift for introducing a loved one to the voice of God. This book teaches the four keys to hearing God's voice in readable style, and also devotes two entire chapters to moving samples of people's journaling (i.e. their two-way dialogue with God).

Price: $17.95
Hear God's Voice Guaranteed Package

Hear God's Voice Guaranteed Package

9 Books | 10 CDs | 10 DVDs | Save Over 30%

Until May 22nd Get At Least 25% Off:

Or 50% off the School of the Spirit e-learning module!

Have you ever wished you could just sit down and have a long talk with the Lord? Wouldn't it be wonderful to move beyond having a theology that states that God loves you to actually hearing Him whisper words of love into your heart? When you're worried or confused, wouldn't you love to see the situation from His perspective and hear how He wants you to respond? When things don't seem to be going your way and your prayers aren't answered the way you had hoped, wouldn't it be great to hear Him tell you where He is in the midst of it, and what He is working out in your life? Are you ever just a little bit jealous of others who say with such confidence, "The Lord said...."?

Price: $149.00

How to Hear God's Voice

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 317 Pages

We recommend that you order the newest revision of this book titled 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice. It includes 95% of the content of How to Hear God's Voice but is reorganized so it fits perfectly with the 10 DVDs on this subject by Mark Virkler. In addition, it gets you started using the four keys earlier in the book and gives you more journaling samples and exercises. Since we have removed the large margins, it is a smaller and less expensive book.

Price: $24.95

Prayers That Heal the Heart - Revised & Expanded 20th Anniversary Edition

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 320 Pages

Prayer counseling that breaks every yoke! Everything you need to experience deep healing of your soul and spirit.

Did you know that you don’t need to be continually plagued by negative thoughts, feelings, pictures or memories?

It is not part of the "human condition" to feel the constant nagging of doubt, insecurity, or anger. No matter what sin you are trying to overcome, what lie you think you’ll always believe, or what traumas your heart has suffered in the past, you will receive total freedom and restoration by praying these prayers in faith. 

Price: $19.95

Twelve Weeks to Spiritual Mastery - Group Coaching

A group coaching experience with Mark Virkler

Because I could not find a Spirit-anointed teacher/coach, I spent ten extremely frustrating years seeking to hear God’s voice!!! Suggestions offered did not help me, things like: “You just know that you know. It is a still small voice. He speaks from your heart.” No one could give me the answer I needed which was: Hearing God’s voice is as simple as quieting yourself down, fixing your eyes on Jesus, recognizing His voice as spontaneous, flowing thoughts and writing down His flow as it is coming. Test what you have written after the flow is done, NOT while it is occurring.

Price: $1,200.00

Counseled by God

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 146 Pages

Have you ever been defeated by negative emotions such as anger, fear, guilt, inferiority, condemnation or depression? Have you tried to fight them off unsuccessfully? Is there an answer that is deeper than simply trying to mentally reason yourself out of these emotions? Is there a way that Jesus can speak a word of life into the depths of your emotional despair and bring healing on a deep level? Is there a form of Christian counseling that begins and ends with the movement of Christ within your heart, rather than simply with the words of man?

Price: $10.95
Hear God Through Your Dreams Workbook Cover

Hear God Through Your Dreams Workbook

by Mark and Patti Virkler | 92 Pages

A newer book has been released that accompanies this workbook: Click here for Hearing God Through Your Dreams by Charity Kayembe and Mark Virkler (featured on Sid Roth's "It's Supernatural", with almost a million views just on YouTube).

Do you often wake up feeling there was a significant message in your dream, but you’re just not sure what it is? Like Daniel and Joseph, do you long to be able to help others understand their own dreams and win them to Christ as you explain His night messages to them? Wouldn't it be nice if you could receive mid-course corrections from the Lord while you sleep? Do you wish you could be receiving divine inspiration, creative solutions to problems, and direction from the Lord during that third of your life that you’re “just” sleeping?

Price: $11.95

Hearing God Through Your Dreams

by Mark Virkler and Charity Virkler Kayembe | 292 Pages

Learn How to Hear God’s Voice, Even When You Are Sleeping

It is always fun to be on the winning team. Well look what God has done with Charity's new dreams teaching. It has taken off like a rocket with a live TV interview on Cornerstone Network and her Sid Roth interview which has almost a million views on YouTube!

Price: $16.99

Everyday Angels

by Charity Virkler Kayembe and Joe Brock 289 Pages

You can partner with Heaven’s angelic hosts!

Do you have guardian angels? Does God want you to know them? Find out what Scripture reveals and how YOU can interact with the company of Heaven!

The supernatural realm permeates our natural world! Therefore, experiencing angels should be an everyday occurrence–we simply need to open our spiritual eyes to their reality and role in our lives.

Price: $16.99
