The following two-way journaling is from Pamela Jones, a Christian Leadership University student, completing the Communion With God course on a graduate level. It is so powerful to hear God speak to all of us His passionate desires for our lives. I thought it was Bible Study. He says it is being in His Presence. Lord, teach us to walk in Your presence!
Question: Lord, why have I known this for so long, and yet not followed Your example of living out of an intimate relationship with the Father? Why have I felt so distant from You and the Father in spite of reading the Bible, praying, going to church, and so forth?
Jesus: You have not practiced My presence. You have been busy doing other things like praying , reading the Bible, and so forth without first waiting on Me. Rest, rest, rest is essential in coming into My presence. Rest from your own efforts. Let Me take the initiative. Relax in Me, and let Me lead the way. You so much want “to do it right” that you have often forfeited the actual experience of My presence. Let go, let go, let it be, let Me be in you. Let Me be what I want to be to you, don’t try to be something for Me. I have made you who you are, I accept you for who you are. Let Me be in you.
Trust, rest, relax, breathe, quiet yourself, be easy, like a child. Practice this. Don’t be afraid to let go – don’t be afraid to let go. You can trust Me. I can take care of you. You are used to working so hard to take care of yourself, you are not accustomed to letting someone care for you. I want to do this for you, but you must allow Me. I want you to enjoy your life more. It is not always a battle, a fight, a work. It can be a joy.
You are too worried about the future. Let go of that worry. You are too worried about time. Let go of time when you are with Me. I am outside of time, when you step into My presence you can let go of time. Accept instead the rhythm of My movement in you by the Spirit. Flow with Me, I know when to release you into your responsibilities. I will take care of you, My child. You are not alone in this world. I am ever with you, only a breath away, yours for the asking, yours for the taking. I will fill you up with goodness, My goodness.
Question: Lord, how important is it to use the eyes of my heart? How have I been using them? How would You have me use them?
Jesus: How important is it to use your natural eyes? There are those who are bereft of this faculty, but I intended for all to have the use of all 5 senses. Sight is very important, as you know. With it you can experience the fullness of the beauty around you. You can see what pitfalls to avoid. There are so many things that eyesight gives to your life. So also it is with spiritual vision.
The spirit realm has much to enhance your life here on earth. You are a spirit being, and it would be ridiculous to only live on the natural plane. So, use your spiritual eyesight to see into the spirit realm. You often use the eyes of your heart in church especially where the atmosphere is permeated with my Presence and you are more tuned to the spirit realm. You use the eyes of your heart in prayer and reading the Word. Sometimes you will catch a momentary vision of something I want to show you. But for the most part, you don’t use the eyes of your heart nearly as much as you could. I want you to cultivate this because it will add dimension and creativity to your life. You will have a more vibrant life and be more effective and successful in all you do.
The sprit realm has created the natural realm. Without the added dimension of spiritual vision in your life, you are very limited in your success. I want you to use the eyes of your heart to see the possibilities. It is one way you can engage your faith. You have heard, “If you can see it you can have it.” You already know this because of your gift for choreography, but you fail to use it in every area of your life. I want to show you the realm in which I live. It will be like the difference between only hearing about a place, and actually going there. You will be able to “go there” with vision. And you will find that once your imagination is activated in this way that it will also be active in other areas also, and give you more creativity overall.
- How to Meditate on Scripture & Receive Life-Transforming Revelation
- Do you want to develop an intimacy with Jesus like Pamela enjoys? Discover how to hear His voice and practice His presence every day of your life. Learn more here.
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