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Scandinavian Speaking People Now Have Access to a Book of Two-Way Journaling

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The message of communion with God has spread to Scandinavian countries! Anne Cathrine Dale has just had her book of two-way journaling published in Norwegian. This beautiful story is available below, along with a sample of her journaling in which God expresses His unending love.

From The Heart of God By Anne Cathrine

Stavanger,​ Norway

Note from the author: The book "Fra Guds hjerte. Til oppmuntring, trøst og inspirasjon” (From the Heart of God. For encouragement, comfort and inspiration) encompasses my testimony and 100 photo-illustrated texts and poems. I hope you will find joy and encouragement by reading my book! 

About the author: Anne Cathrine Hinderaker Dale is a blogger, publishing words she has received from the heart of God the Father on the site Anne Cathrine lives in Stavanger, Norway and is active in IMI Church ( She is married to Thomas and they have two children together.

The publisher’s (Ventura Forlag AS) book description: "From the Heart of God" invites you on a journey with God as your Father. The book reveals a God who supports you in all your victories and defeats. The author writes out what is on God's heart for your everyday life. You are unique and God loves to speak to you about all parts of your life. This book paints a picture of a father who loves you and cares for you just as you are; His creation."

Endorsement: “The author has named the book "From the Heart of God" and writes the devotionals as if God is speaking directly to us. God is a good Father to us and as a father He wants to speak to His children continually.” Mette Ellinor Boye, head of Oase (a Norwegian Lutheran Christian renewal movement -

Look inside the book here

A sample journal entry from Anne Cathrine’s blog (texts in the book are similar)

My child, Your life is in My hands. I have created you; I breathe life into you, I direct your steps. Even if you do not see Me, I am near. I have always been there, from when you were in your mother's womb. Listen to My true words about your life; you are created and you are loved. I know every step you take, every thought of your mind. I know whether you walk in the valley or in the mountains. I know whether you are alone or with others. All I want is to have your attention. My child, I have so many things to tell you - so much I want to show you. Listen to My quiet voice. Listen to My heartbeat.

My child, you mean so much more to Me than you will ever understand. Your life is not in vain, it matters greatly. I will help you and make you clean. Accept My forgiveness, My salvation. Every day I reach out to you. Every day you may receive My gifts, My goodness. My gifts encompass what you need, you shall not lack any good thing. I am your provider, your life-giver. I know about all your needs and longings. I know of all your dreams; yes, I created you capable of dreaming, thirsting, longing, and hoping.

There is an inherent longing for the Creator in all your cells. A longing for the life-giver, who is continually creating. As nature awaits spring and summer, all of your being is waiting to be made alive by something greater than yourself. You are also created with an urge to create, to construct and to enlarge your territory. You are created to accomplish more and more, from the simplest things to the most complex things, and to be successful in your creations. You have this urge because you are created in My image, because I am the Creator.

You have also been given the ability to love, to protect that which is fragile and little and also to comfort and encourage, to support those who are a little behind you or coming after you. These social and emotional abilities come from Me. It's not just pure biology and evolution. I am the good Father from whom every family in heaven and earth derives its name. I loved you first, therefore you are able to love others in the same way. This is your main responsibility - to love. Without love, a child will surely die. In the same way that a child is dependent on being loved you are dependent on Me, as much as you depend on the air you breathe.

All you need to do is open the door of your heart for Me. You need to give Me what you are carrying. I have already carried this heavy load on the tree of the cross. You do not have to carry it anymore. You can leave all your failures with Me. Let Me live in your heart, where I belong.

Anne’s Story – How I got introduced to hearing God’s voice

Dear Mark,

I don't know where to start to tell you how thankful I am for reading your book and for what it has brought into my life. In 2007 I went to a conference in my church, where Carol and John Arnott and several others from Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship were visiting. After hearing teaching about how to hear God’s voice, where they were referring to your teachings, I went ahead and bought the book “How to Hear God’s Voice: an Interactive Learning Experience”. My life at this point was not so easy. I had a lot of problems with my health, making it difficult to take care of my child and doing everyday tasks. I had been seeking God for some time, and I was so thirsty and eager to learn more about how to hear His voice. So, I started working with this book and commenced journaling, and also found two people who read through my texts.

It was so encouraging for me to experience how easy it was to hear God’s voice. My two counsellors confirmed that what I was hearing was according to the Bible and said they thought it was from God. After journaling for several months, I started hearing things for others. I did some experience with this but mostly I used the tool to receive things for myself. After three years of journaling, I experienced God calling me to share what I received. And I started the blog “” (from the heart of God) where I wrote encouraging texts and poems I received from my heavenly Father. After some time, I started getting feedback that people were really feeling inspired by my texts and they felt that God talked directly to them through what I had written. I went on writing for several years. But I didn’t get so much feedback and in a period of my life where my health deteriorated again, the writing became infrequent.

In February 2019 I had been going through 20 months with lots of difficulties. I felt stuck in my situation and I didn’t know what to do. Then one day I heard the quiet voice of God, He was challenging me to make a decision to change my situation. It was a big decision for me, so I invited some friends over to pray for me. As they prayed, I was so filled with the Holy Spirit and started laughing and laughing. This heavenly joy went on and off for several weeks and in the end, I did follow God’s leading.

In this period God took me back to writing again and I started blogging weekly. It was such a joy to hear from God and share what I heard again. Although a lot of painful things were going on in my life, on the worst days, I was receiving the most encouraging words from my loving heavenly Dad. 

In August 2019 I was contacted by a journalist at a Christian radio station. They wanted to interview me about the blog and to record my writings! So, I have been on the radio now for 1.5 years. Later that same year, three people independently of each other suggested that I collected my texts into a book. I felt this was a calling from God. December 2019, I started collecting my texts and worked with the book and last summer I sent it to a publisher and they decided to move on with my book project! In the end of May 2021, my book was published here in Norway.

I’m so full of joy for being able to share all the love and encouragement that God has given me to people and I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the message and teachings I have received from your book!

Blessings from 
Anne Cathrine Dale 
Stavanger, Norway

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Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   

Related Blogs: 

How to Hear God’s Voice   
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Hear God's Voice Guaranteed Package

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9 Books | 10 CDs | 10 DVDs | Save Over 30%

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Prayer counseling that breaks every yoke! Everything you need to experience deep healing of your soul and spirit.

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Price: $11.95

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Learn How to Hear God’s Voice, Even When You Are Sleeping

It is always fun to be on the winning team. Well look what God has done with Charity's new dreams teaching. It has taken off like a rocket with a live TV interview on Cornerstone Network and her Sid Roth interview which has almost a million views on YouTube!

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Price: $16.99
