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Living Out of My Voice - Journaling by George Strawbridge

Mark Virkler's picture

God, I come today to offer my whole being to You. I want to do life with You today. I love hearing Your Voice and ask that You would teach me how to live out of it on a daily basis.

Jesus - George, you know that I desire this for you too, for it is I who gave you the desire. George, you are making this harder than it is supposed to be. Just simply come to Me and practice the four keys. Smile and relax, you are covered in My blood. Oh, and George, I want to remind you again, that as you practice doing what you have heard Me tell you, it will become easier and easier.

George - How does this become easier and easier?

Jesus - Because when you choose to be obedient to My words your outward man is being put to death. The more he decreases, the more and more I increase. Picture if you will a house. The house is your soul, which I purchased with My blood; it is My property. I made the purchase, so that I can live in it, and make Myself a home. This house I speak of is a “fixer-upper” which I have asked the sellers to present to Me so that I can clean it up the way I want, and decorate it how I want. The house maintains its charm and personality, and I clean up the parts that I don’t like and create for Me a place, an abode, that I can settle down in and make Myself permanently at home in.

George, this is what I am currently doing with you. But like the sellers of the house, you have to cooperate with Me and say yes to Me so that I can continue what I have started. So I ask again, will you let Me do that? I love My purchase and enjoy spending lots of time in it. The dwelling place is close to My heart. I have had My eyes on this house since the beginning of creation. And now, My Father has given it to Me as My inheritance. I am excited and overjoyed about what I have received and would very much like the sellers to agree and allow Me to make the changes that I want. George, can you picture this? Of course, the house is your soul, which I have inherited from My Father, but need permission from you to kick the old occupant out. Please give Me the keys to My house so that I may come to live in it. I can’t wait to create memories. Sooooooo looking forward to this.

George - Jesus, I give you permission to do what You will with my soul and I purpose in my heart to lay down what I want to do in favor of what You want to do. Please open the eyes and ears of my heart so that I can see the opportunities that You place in my daily life where I can do this. Jesus, I prize these opportunities greater than anything else because they will lead to You abiding in me.

Jesus - George, the opportunities will be aplenty. Just look for them.

George - How will I recognize them?

Jesus - George, they will be things that your old man does not like to do, like defending yourself by not admitting you are wrong when you are wrong. Wanting to preserve your pride and caring how men think of you. Things that you were not willing to give up before, but choose to forsake now. See, I have turned you around to face you in the right direction, though you are at the start of this journey, you are looking at the right path to follow. This path is illuminated with what you already know to do. Once you walk in that light, more light will be shed on the path so that you can walk in and move forward towards Our and your goal of letting Me reside in your soul. Trust in Me and trust in My Spirit, for He will remain with you forever. Don’t grieve Him, because He is the one that supplies the strength, know-how, wisdom and light for you to move forward. Smile, and turn inward to your spirit where My Spirit resides.

George - Jesus, I have been sensing that I can draw deeper inwardly in my spirit and it is there where I will hear Your voice more clearly?

Jesus - Yes George. After quieting yourself down, practice “looking” inwardly, past all the commotion of your soul (mind, emotions and will) and just determine in your heart that you will go there no matter what.

George - Can you please be more specific and give me practical actions I can do to accomplish this?

Jesus - Yes, be quiet, and look at Me, stare at Me, imagine Me. The more you do this the more you will find yourself going past the noise and commotion of your mind, will and emotions. You will go past and ignore the spirits (seemingly good, and bad) yelling out to get your attention, and go directly to your spirit where I reside. It is there, George, where we will commune together, and you will get instructions on what you should do for the day. Again, if the process is difficult, it is not of Me. Simple and easy, that is the way of My Spirit. Lay down your works and striving, and take off your own unbearable yoke and burdens you have placed on yourself and exchange it for the light yoke and easy burden, which simply stated, is looking at Me. George, it really can’t get any simpler than that. The problems that you and others run into is that you don’t take your eyes off the circumstances and mountains in your life. You give in to the enemy’s whispers and distractions by paying attention to them. Don’t.

Determine in your heart that you will meet Me in your spirit by quieting yourself down, and then picture and see Me. Stare at Me and come and walk towards Me with singular focus as if you saw a loved one or good friend from a distance that you could not wait to be with , and ignore everything else. This is how I want you to seek Me. This is seeking Me with your whole heart, mind and soul, having only Me on your mind, picturing Me and running to Me until we come to a full embrace. George, practice this. Watch and see how our relationship will grow from that. The more you practice, the more it will become easier and easier to do.

George - Thank You, Jesus, for Your wisdom and giving me something practical that I can work with. I love You!

Jesus - And I you, George.


Related Resources: 

How to Hear God's Voice!   

Related Blogs: 

How to Hear God’s Voice   
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