I had a dream - I see an 18-wheeler truck and the driver of the truck is Santa Claus. Then Superman flies up to the cab of the truck to help unload all that is in the trailer of this huge truck. Somehow, I know that this 18-wheeler is filled with wonderful things. I record the dream saying: “Um, ok God, unravel this one.”
The next morning, I open my emails to clear out old and junk mail and see day 2 of the free “Naturally Supernatural,” I stop and I am shocked because there is a picture with the info about day 2. The picture is of a man from neck to waist, pulling open his shirt to reveal that Superman is underneath.
Linda - Ok Lord, You have my full attention, speak to me about all of this.
God - Linda, it is my great pleasure to give you the kingdom. I AM the good Gift Giver for every good gift, and every perfect gift comes from Me. Not merely a sleigh full but truckloads. I desire that you would enjoy this journey. Do not rush; learn, and then take the time to practice what you are learning until every gift I have given you feels natural. Moses asked to see my glory and I caused all my goodness to pass before him and I declared to him my Name. My Name represents who and what I AM. I sent Jesus as the one and only image to demonstrate my character. Look at Jesus.
Holy Spirit - Linda, my beloved apprentice, I will teach you, and guide you, as you learn. I will be with you as you step out. Listen, always listen for my directions.
We will have great adventures together. I will show you the hidden treasures and we will unpack everything together. I will reveal Emmanuel to you because you are never expected to walk this out alone.
I will show you who you are “in Him”. I will demonstrate what it means to be “in Christ”. I will comfort and encourage when you flub up.

Jesus - Oh my beloved one, you are mine and I am yours. I paid the bride’s price with my life, and it was worth calling you, “my own”. Linda, all that I have is yours, and nothing pleases me more than seeing you adorned in my love, walking in my grace, demonstrating heaven on earth. When you came to me broken, and in great need, like Boaz of old, I covered you with my garment and you became mine. Like the woman with the blood issue, who reached for my garment where the anointing rests, I am telling you to also to press through every obstacle in order to receive what I offer. It will change you from the inside until it’s obvious on the outside. Your union with Me is the hope I have for glory. Moses asked to see my glory and I caused all my goodness to pass before him and I declared to him my Name. Moses came away with visible evidence on his face declaring our intimacy. I pray that for you, Linda.
Register for this free worldwide streaming event - Training on Naturally Supernatural: https://go.cluschoolofthespirit.com/supernatural
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