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daily word - called, chosen

Dale Cresap's picture

Are you familiar with the Bible verse that says many are called but few are chosen? Does this make logical sense? If the same one is doing the calling and the choosing wouldn’t they choose everyone they called? Perhaps the call is an invitation to a response, and the response is up to the one being called. Is this more consistent with your observed experience, that in this world and even more in the eternal realm that there are more opportunities than responses? So you could say that many are called but few choose. What about you? When you hear my call do you respond?


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daily word - agreement?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you like to be popular, and thrive on the approval of others? But I told my followers to beware when all men speak well of you. You can extend this lesson slightly to say, beware when all men agree with you. This may mean that you are entirely correct in your understanding, and they are too, or it may mean that you don’t know enough people. If you don’t know anyone who challenges your thinking should you rejoice in this, or should you make the effort to seek out those who do? How will you grow if your current state isn’t put to the test?

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daily word - meekness?

Dale Cresap's picture

You have my promise that the meek will inherit the earth. This is widely known and quoted, even by non-believers. Do you believe it? What do you see as a manifest reality? Are the meek in charge, or are they taken advantage of? Do you see this as an outcome that will only occur with divine intervention, and think that I am slow to act on your behalf? You are right that this is not what you would expect based on experience. Moses was the meekest man on earth, and yet he led a nation from captivity to freedom.

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daily word - money intent?

Dale Cresap's picture

Does the source of money matter, or is money as it is commonly supposed, to be the ultimate neutral and value free commodity? If you support a charitable cause, would you rather have donations from school children or from a wealthy crime boss looking to ease his conscience? Would it surprise you to learn that someone earning a hundred dollars is more likely to donate a portion of it than someone who receives the same amount as an entitlement? I said that the widow who gave two mites in the offering gave more than those who gave out of their excess abundance.

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daily word - fellow travelers

Dale Cresap's picture

Have you ever gone on a journey alone? Don’t you find travelling with a companion so much more enjoyable that you are willing to structure your schedule and even destination around the availability of someone to accompany you? Does this apply to your spiritual journey as well? No one else can take this trip for you, but you can’t take it by yourself either. I will send you the companions you need when you are ready for them and for the next stage of your journey. Haven’t you seen this in practice already? Does your journey feel like wandering?

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daily word - seek truth

Dale Cresap's picture

Is it important to you that people agree with you? This is comforting and reassuring, and it is easier than ever before to find like-minded people to support you. Is it important to you to know the truth? This is a more difficult task. You need to start by accepting the possibility that you (and your friends) may be wrong. You need to subject your beliefs and thoughts and opinions to scrutiny and acknowledge that those outside of your circle may know something you don’t. You may have to let go of cherished positions.

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daily word - popular support?

Dale Cresap's picture

How much popular support do you need? Do you find it hard to stay on task if you don’t feel appreciated? Is it worse to have indifference or opposition to your efforts? At least if you have opposition you know that someone notices. How hard is it to go against the crowd? Everyone likes to have widespread approval for their efforts, but dependence on this involves the surrender of internal direction and makes you subject to external influences. I spoke highly of the prophets but also pointed out how hated and persecuted they were in their own generation.

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daily word - divine assignments

Dale Cresap's picture

Did you have to go through an application and interview process for your current job? These are typical activities in a market economy. Do you have any ‘jobs’ that you didn’t apply for? You may have some unpaid activities that you perform diligently and regularly as responsibilities that you take seriously. You may find greater meaning and purpose in these things than you do in the job you get paid for. Perhaps that is why you do them. If man does not live by bread alone, then he also does live by monetary activities alone.

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daily word - help the poor?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you help the poor? Is there any stronger direction in the Bible for your responsibility toward others? Do you live in a country that levies taxes and takes on the task of relief for the poor as a function of government? If this is the case, do you think of paying your taxes as discharging your responsibility to the poor? This is a really abstract argument and indirect means of assistance. Can real charity be so impersonal? If I love a cheerful giver do you get credit for being cheerful about paying your taxes?

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daily word - Mistakes?

Dale Cresap's picture

Do you make mistakes? If there is one thing that is universally agreed on, it is that everyone makes mistakes. What word is most commonly used to describe mistakes? Aren’t they more often referred to as stupid mistakes than anything else? Do you find it discouraging that something considered inevitable is also considered stupid? There is another way of looking at this. Have you learned from your mistakes, not only how to avoid the same errors in the future, but also humility and patience toward others, being more gracious and accepting of their shortcomings?

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